SKINCARE: Anti-inflammatory, soothes active breakouts + can help restore crepe-y skin, allergic reactions on the skin. Aids lymph flow, to neutralize allergic skin reactions, strengthens the fight to aid infected tissues, helps body better be able to utilize the nutrients in your skincare products through the balancing of the solar plexus chakra.
ENERGY/CHAKRA: SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra – controls energy distribution, the immune + digestive system powerhouse. The relationship chakra. Work on self-confidence, overcoming fear by grounding, ability to process information through your truest thoughts + emotions. Helps influence willpower, self-control, ability to speak up for yourself.
WELL CARE: Energetically supports the lymphatic system, addresses pancreas, liver + nervous system. Ease anxiety + can subdue headache tension. Dismiss oversensitive tendencies. Boosts self-reflection, decisiveness, reassuring, balancing, focuses intention to bring about the truest self, centers emotions in compassion, stone to navigate relationships. Supports sinus health + recovery from migraine symptoms. Overcome fear of disappointing others, live for your pleasure in confident self power.
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